According to Nielsen, 93% of adults in America tune in to radio every week. That’s 240 million people each month. In fact, radio is still the most popular form of media consumption, surpassing even the PC, tablet, TV-connected device, smartphone, or television. As the medium with the largest overall reach, radio provides tremendous opportunities for delivering news, community-focused messages, and feature stories to a significant audience either locally, regionally, or nationally.
While they’ve been around for a long time, audio news releases (ANRs) are still a proven and effective method for disseminating news and feature stories to radio listeners across the country. Knowing how to do targeted ANRs could be an exceptionally effective marketing tool for your business.
The nuts and bolts of targeted ANRs
One of the most attractive advantages of using ANRs over other forms of news distribution is their ability to be fully targeted while remaining cost-effective. The key elements of ANR development include creating a story with a strong news hook and if possible, local appeal. A succinct, well-written script is also crucial because you need to convey critical information in a matter of thirty to forty-five seconds. Use a spokesperson’s soundbite to provide expert opinion or to convey the key facts of the story. Voiceover and production are also significant as the piece must hold up to the broadcast standards of the nation’s largest radio stations.
Ready to enhance your public relations efforts with minimal cost and a considerable ROI?
Learn more about targeted ANRs.
Tips for doing targeted ANRs the right way
Here are some best practices you can employ to ensure the success of your targeted ANR
- Think news--you must have a good news story that stands up to the other news of the day. Surveys, statistics, new information, and localization all help drive a good ANR.
- Determine your key markets and consider demographics when targeting an audience. Is the story for New York City or rural Oklahoma? Are you seeking a female listenership of women 18-34 or are men, 25-54 your target? These are all key questions to think about in advance.
- Localize the story if you can. Having a local angle to your story or even a local spokesperson will appeal to radio programmers in each individual market.
- Use a recognized expert as your spokesperson. It’s a great way to add credibility and authenticity to your story and when possible, go for off the cuff responses as opposed to reading from a script. It comes across as more natural.
- Unless you are an organization with a political message, avoid any type of political statement in your story. In this current climate, one wrong move can cause your ANR to backfire.
Knowing how to do targeted ANRs can enhance your public relations efforts with minimal cost and a considerable ROI. Let MediaTracks help you bring your message to your desired targeted audience through radio. Contact us today to talk to one of our representatives and find out how we can help.
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