Your Message: Heard By Millions
Receive guaranteed placement of an unaltered message and reports to back your results.
National Audio News Releases for Los Angeles PR Companies
Your audio news release, placed in either one or both of our syndicated programs, Radio Health Journal and Viewpoints, will air on up to 800+ stations, reaching millions of weekly listeners in more than 200 markets, including 40+ out of 50 markets. Our programs are also available online and on multiple digital platforms (iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio and more).
Some clients write their own ANRs; others take advantage of our editorial expertise. Either way, we guarantee that your message will air unedited and unaltered. Because we syndicate our own programs, we track and report actual usage. We can tell you exactly where and when your message will air, and how many people will hear it.
Reach 3+ Million People
More Than 200 Markets
Available on Multiple Platforms
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We respond to all inquiries within one business day (and usually even sooner).
Los Angeles Agencies Love Our National Audio News Release Service
We’ve partnered with Los Angeles agencies such as RL Public Relations + Marketing & Sportivo and Porter Novelli to produce hundreds of national audio news releases about products, services, programs and events.
Over the past 25 years, we've worked with several national brands headquartered in the Los Angeles area such as Dole Foods and California Pizza Kitchen.
We also have experience working in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington DC.
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Our Featured Audio News Release
MediaTracks recently finished producing a Guaranteed Placement Audio News Release for LifeScan One Touch Testing Supplies. The news release aired on Radio Health Journal, a nationally syndicated health program, which reaches over 3 million listeners in 90% of the top radio markets including New York, Chicago, Boston, and Washington D.C.
LifeScan Audio News Release
See how we can grow your reach.
Your unaltered message: heard by millions, measured by results.